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Stereotype Reality


The Prissy Gossip Queens Crowd:

  • Well known around school... everyone loves me "Claire types "

  • Would start or spread gossip

  • Participates in any activity that would give them extra attention and School Stardom ( Cheer, Dance, Women's sports that did not make them look unfeminine of course.)

  • Sexually active but "not a Slut."

  • Most likely be PROM Queen.

The Tolerable Xtra Curriculars Crowd:

  • Friendly but also "too Friendly" if you get my drift

  • Not Popular but still existence is known

  • Not the usual attractive type skinny , trendy , makeup wearing blonde eye catcher , but still dateable tot a limited few

  • Will partake in activities, for their own interest, and just to have fun and make friends.

  • They would attend all dances all together all the time...

The Friendly Fakes Crowd:

  • These are at first likable, friendly, Funny, Attractive type teenagers.

  • They would be friendly to you talk to you n nd out of school, but Quick to turn on you

  • Gullible to The Gossips & Easily Manipulated by others

  • Participate in Activities that would catch some attention in a dorky, funny manner.

  • Get along but not hang out with the prissy gossip queens, Joke of a Jocks,

  • Completely two faced

  • Most likely to be homecoming king/queen

The Own Kind Crowd:

  • Aren't racist, but stick with hanging out with their own race kind...still got along with others

  • Would hang and date others in their own race

  • Participate and be great at sports and other academic achievement clubs, others would not really participate in any activities but WILL participate in a fight together :(jumping)

  • HAVE a Look alike style, dressed the same , style their hair, make-up and talk the same

  • They show up to their all dances with their Own Preferred kind.

The Joke of a Jock Crowd:

  • Typical DOUCHEBAG looking type fellas. Not Ugly but Not as good looking as they seem to think they are.

  • Date the Prissy Gossip Queens, and if not always Flirting and Clinging on to them, The Prissy Gossip Queens don't mind (THEY LOIVE THE ATTENTION.)

  • Also Date/ Hangout with girls from other cliques, and usually LIE about those other girls PUTTING OUT and Talk a lot of SHIT on them.

  • Think they are ALL- STARS BIG DEAL type of Sports players but NEVER SCORE a point, or WIN a Game...

  • Participate in Sports like "FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL" Mainly Sometime "Baseball."

  • Always throwing or attending every KICK BACK, HOUSE PARTIES, AFTER PARTIES, they hear about.

  • Go to the dances with their Prissy Gossip Queen Dates, Take HUGE group photos with the rest of their Jock Buddies.

  • Most likely to up for HOMECOMING /PROM KING but never Actually win.

  • Straight up DOUCHEBAG, TWO-FACED, IDIOTS... "To put it nicely.."

The Center Stage Crowd:

  • Great Unique Dancers (Poppers, Break Dancing, Hip Hop, ETC)

  • Have a unique Style, Wild Hair-Do's, Trendy Raver, Hip Hop Clothes.

  • Attractive in their own way, but Mainly caught Attention through their Dance Skills.

  • Not into Sports but participate in Some activities like (Band) anything that has to do with MUSIC.

  • Held the occasional Social "Battles" that would draw in a crowd

  • Cool , friendly type but preferred to hang out with others that share the same Interests in Dancing and may be as equally talented.

  • Attend Dances and Took Over the Dance Floor.

The Goth/Punks burn-out Crowd:

  • Dressed all in black with heavy eyeliner (guys and girls) , Spiked different unnatural Colored Hair . Spiked Belts, Safety Pins, Pins and Patches with Anarchy Symbols or Favorite Punk Band, or Rock Musicians( Marilyn Manson, AFI, Green Day, The Offspring, Pennywise, Nine Inch Nails ETC)

  • Not Into Sports , Academic Activities, Not really into Academics at all

  • Troublemakers, Usually in Detention, Summer School, Principals Office, Type to be Suspended/Expelled from School.

  • Heavy Alcohol Drinkers, and Hardcore Drug Users (Meth Schrooms, Acid, or Definitly Pothead)

  • Talk a lot of Shit on Jocks, Cheerleaders, basically anyone else they don't like for whatever reason.

  • Mainly the Host of House Parties, and Kick Backs, never an After Party because They don't give a shit about Sports or School Dances.

  • Sexually active and very "up in your face" make-out sessions during recess , lunch, School Assemblies etc.

  • Attend SOME School dances if ALLOWED but only for a Little while, and usually arrive under the influence of Drugs and Alcohol.

  • Always know where to get the "GOOD STUFF", or would even Sell the "Good Stuff."

The Heavy on Metal Crowd:

  • Band Tee , ripped Jeans, Long Dirty looking type teens

  • Date, Rocker, Hippie type chicks, (Parents would not want you to bring these type of guys home) Nor would these Guys want to meet your parents.

  • Usually participate in their own Activities like BAND REHEARSAL,

  • Openly Verbal about anything that's on their minds, don't care who they piss off, or feelings they hurt.. (JOHN BENDER tYPE)

  • Dedicated to Only Metal Bands mainly METALLICA , MEGADETH, BLACVK SABBATH etc...

  • Get a long with a few of them , some are strictly about those they known for years and are heavy metal dedicated

  • Throw huge parties that have it all Drugs, Alcohol, and Rock N Roll, ...Police usually broke these parties up.

The "Hoppers":

~Individuals that would get a long with Anyone, no matter what crowd.. They hopped around from group to group and socialize with anyone that would accept them .. and if not ...Fine with be a loner either way don't matter to them...

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